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How Long Is Your License Suspended for DUI in Chicago

In the state of Illinois, a first-time DUI criminal charge offense typically carries a three-month license suspension if convicted.

Additionally, a conviction of a first-time driving under the influence of alcohol in Chicago results in an additional year-long automatic license suspension on top of the state-mandated three months.

Therefore, if you are convicted of a first-time DUI in Chicago, it will result in a loss of driving privileges for a total of 15 months.

Contact Ktenas Law's experienced DUI defense lawyers in Chicago for more information relating to DUI criminal penalties and potential defenses. Call us at (312) 800-1626 to schedule a free consultation.

DUI Laws in Chicago

In Chicago, the laws regarding drunk driving are very strict. The penalties for being convicted of driving above the legal limit in Chicago can include having your license suspended for a certain period of time.

The length of your license suspension will depend on whether you are a first-time offender or have multiple DUIs. For first-time offenders, the minimum period of license suspension is six months. If you have multiple DUI convictions, the license suspension can increase to one year or more.

Additionally, if you are convicted of a DUI in Chicago you will be required to attend an alcohol treatment or awareness program as well as pay fines. You may also be subject to additional penalties such as jail time, installation of an alcohol ignition interlock device, alcohol and drug education program, hours of community service, and/or increased insurance premiums.

It is important to note that the length of your license suspension may vary depending on the court's discretion. Therefore, it is important to consult with an experienced Chicago DUI attorney if you have been charged with a DUI to understand your legal rights and options.

License Suspension for DUI in Chicago

In Chicago, the length of your driver’s license suspension for a DUI depends on the specific circumstances surrounding your case. Generally speaking, those convicted of a DUI can expect to have their license suspended for at least six months. However, depending on the severity of the offense and any prior offenses, this length can increase significantly.

If you receive your first DUI conviction in Chicago, your license will be suspended for three months. However, if you are convicted of a first-time DUI in Chicago, your license will be suspended for an additional year on top of the state-mandated three months. Therefore, if you are convicted of a first-time DUI in Chicago, your license will be suspended for a total of 15 months.

a man in his car pulled over for DUI

It is important to note that even if your license is suspended, you may be eligible for a restricted driving permit. A restricted driving permit will allow you to drive certain places such as to and from work or school.

To be eligible for a restricted driving permit, you must meet certain criteria. It is important to speak with a defense attorney regarding your eligibility for a restricted driving permit.

Reasonable Grounds to Believe You Are Driving Under the Influence

In Chicago, if you are pulled over for driving under the influence, your driver's license will automatically be suspended for at least six months. Depending on the circumstances, it may be longer.

The length of suspension can increase depending on a variety of factors such as age, whether you have previous convictions or a criminal record, or if there are aggravating factors such as high blood alcohol content or the presence of drugs in your system.

You can contest a DUI charge if there is no probable cause for your arrest, and if successful, your license will be reinstated.

Police Officer's Observations

When it comes to determining how long a person’s license is suspended for driving under the influence (DUI) in Chicago, it largely depends on the observations of the police officer who pulled them over. The following factors are taken into account when making this determination:

  • The severity of the offense: If a physical driver was found to be significantly impaired, their license suspension could last longer.
  • Prior driving history: If a driver has prior DUI convictions or multiple moving violations, their license suspension could be longer.
  • Presence of drugs and/or alcohol in the system: If a driver is found to have drugs or alcohol in their system, their license suspension could be longer.
  • Blood Alcohol Content (BAC): The higher a driver’s BAC, the more likely their license suspension will be longer.

Chemical Testing

In Chicago, the length of a driver’s license suspension for driving under the influence (DUI) depends on the type of chemical test that was taken. If a driver is found to have a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08% or higher after taking a breathalyzer test, their license will be suspended for six months.

Additionally, if they fail to submit to a chemical test, their license will be suspended for one year.

Sobriety Tests

In Chicago, the amount of time that your license is suspended for driving under the influence (DUI) depends on the severity of the incident, as well as if it is a first-time offense or subsequent offense.

a car key and glass of liquor on a white table

Generally, a first-time DUI conviction results in mandatory penalties resulting in a one-year suspension of your driver's license. Subsequent offenses can result in much longer suspensions and even revocations.

What is Statutory Summary Suspension?

In Chicago, the Statutory Summary Suspension (SSS) is a mandatory administrative action taken against the driver's license of individuals arrested for Driving Under the Influence (DUI). The suspension will last for 6 months if the person had a BAC of .08 or higher, or refused to submit to a chemical test. If the person's BAC is .05 or lower and they have a clean driving record, their driving privileges will be suspended for three months.

Automatic Suspension Periods and Lengths of Suspensions

In Chicago, the length of a driver’s license suspension for DUI can vary significantly depending on the circumstances. Generally speaking, an individual who is convicted of DUI in Chicago will have their license suspended automatically for six months.

However, this automatic suspension period may be increased or decreased depending on several factors. For example, if the individual has multiple DUI convictions within a certain period, or if the individual was found to have a high blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level at the time of arrest, their license suspension could be extended.

Call Ktenas Law Today for Help With a DUI!

If you get a DUI in Chicago, your license could be suspended. The length of suspension depends on the severity of the offense and any prior offenses. First-time DUIs usually result in a six-month suspension, but aggravating factors like a high BAC or past convictions could lead to a longer suspension.

If you have been arrested for drunk driving, seeking the help of a qualified attorney is recommended. They can assist you in challenging the charges and potentially restoring your driving privileges. The attorneys at Chicago DUI Defense are committed to helping clients who have been arrested for drunk driving, guiding them through the legal process, and working towards the best possible outcomes.

Call (312) 800-1626 today for a free consultation.

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