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How to Find the Right DUI Lawyer

Even though it is stressful to face driving while intoxicated or driving under the influence charges it is important for the driver to face the issue head-on and to ensure that they are well prepared. Also, it is essential for you to get as much information as you can about the charges you are facing.

When you hire a DUI attorney to represent you in your case you will be more at ease. As legal professionals, they are more aware of the legalities of your DUI or DWI case and can evaluate the case and give you options.

From the beginning, your Illinois DUI defense lawyer can help you understand what would be the best course of action for you to take. They will help you to understand if you need to plead guilty or go to court depending on the facts of your case. Your criminal defense lawyer can help you to navigate the complex legal system especially if the case is complicated. It is important to have information on how to find the right DUI lawyer as finding the right fit is crucial for your case.

Research Potential Lawyers

There are plenty of resources that you can use to help you find the best DUI lawyer for your case. Some of the ways to find a lawyer are to seek personal recommendations and to carry out research on the National Association and state bar. Through the association, your list can be filled up with great attorneys that you can meet and work with. Choosing a DUI lawyer to work on your case is a major life decision and for that reason, it is important for you to carry out research and do your due diligence before selecting the best DUI attorney to work for your case.

dui lawyer talking to a client, Find the Right DUI Lawyer
  • Getting a Personal Recommendation. Talk to the people around you that you trust and ask for personal recommendations. It is probably best to get a recommendation from a person that has previously used the attorney service they are recommending before. You can get personal information about the attorney’s performance, the overall process, and the outcome of the case from a trusted source. You will as well be able to get an idea of how much the lawyer cost. However, you should understand that every DUI case is different, and depending on the facts of your case the total cost can be different.
  • Seek a recommendation for a previously used attorney. If at one point you have had to consult an attorney or if you have needed them to help you with a different case they can be a good resource. For example, a divorce attorney can recommend a lawyer friend that they know who specializes in criminal defense. They can recommend a DUI attorney from law school or from the network of lawyers they know.

A DUI can have penalties and a huge on your personal and professional life and it is important to find a lawyer that is not only good at what they do and is are of the criminal defense laws but as well who is a great fit.

Look for a Lawyer Near the County You Were Charged

Your state or the state that you were charged in also has a statewide association of criminal attorneys that has similar attorney search features.

FAQ: How much does a DUI lawyer cost in Chicago?

Each state has its own distinct laws when it comes to DUIs and it is important that you hire a lawyer from that particular state to represent you since they are more familiar with the DUI state laws.

What to Look For in a DUI Lawyer

It can be scary to face DUI charges regardless of whether you are a first-time, second-time, or subsequent offender. This is because of the precautions of a DUI defense not only to your criminal record and driving record but as well to your career and life in general. If you are facing DUI charges you definitely want a lawyer by your side defending you. However, it is crucial that you find a DUI lawyer that has qualities that will help you get the best possible outcome for your case. Below are some of the qualities that you should consider while hiring a lawyer.

  • Bar Associates. You should find an expert attorney that is part of several associations which provide them with courses, newsletters, and conferences that are geared toward keeping the lawyers well informed about the ever-changing DUI laws as well as the criminal justice system.   
  • Awards. While carrying out research find out about the accolades and awards that the legal representative or law firm that you would like to acquire services from has received. This will go to show the kind of services that you will receive.
  • Years of experience. Aside from knowledge, you need an attorney specializing in cases similar cases to yours. Go through the previous cases that the attorney has worked on and confirm the outcome of these cases before you commit to hiring an attorney. A case-winning DUI attorney is an ideal attorney for your case.
toy car crashing into a glass of beer, Find the Right DUI Lawyer

At Chicago DUI Defense we highly value our client needs and when you come to our law firm our dedicated lawyer does their best to offer you our world-class services.

Discuss Your Case with Attorneys

After you have shortlisted your list of potential attorneys there are a few things that you should do so you can make your final decision. You should start by scheduling your first initial consultation. During the first initial conversation you can discuss;

  • If they have handled a similar case to yours. Despite cases being similar, they are slightly different since every case is always unique. However, you want to be represented by a lawyer that has handled a similar case to yours. Ask them how they handled the case and find out the outcome of the particular cases.
  • The potential outcome of your case. Since every criminal matter is unique it is hard to determine a specific outcome for a case. Even so, your lawyer can present you with a potential list of outcomes for your case based on the facts of your case.
  • Their rates. You want to find a great lawyer but you cannot deny that cost of representation would determine the lawyer you hire. Hence it is important to find out their payment plan and cost of representation. Do they charge per hourly fee, is there an initial lawyer fee, and what their affordability is?

FAQ: What questions should I ask a DUI lawyer?

If you are facing a DUI criminal charge and looking for legal representation from a drunk driving lawyer with extensive knowledge you can get in touch with Chicago DUI Defense and get your free case evaluation. As competent representation we want our individual clients to have fair representation so they can get a positive outcome.

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